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Awareness Video on Cyber Bullying

Awareness Video on Cyber Bullying


Awareness Video on Cyber Bullying

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Video on Cyber Bully

“ If you ever send a message to someone using text, email etc. to frighten them or with an intention to distress or harm them emotionally or physically” then you are a Cyber Bully.

  • Do not share explicit or highly personal information including your personal/private photographs on social media (i.e. your body parts, your address, your mobile number etc.), which might be used against you. You may get into trouble! – You could attract unwanted attention & trouble too.
  • If someone bothers or make you feel uncomfortable online, Talk to your parents or another trusted adult. Block the contact or leave the site.
  • Do not meet in person someone you have met only online – If you have to meet someone you have only met through an online platform, Inform a parent, Guardian or a responsible person (a must for those under 18). You meet the person at a public place such as a local restaurant or You can ask someone to join you.
