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National consultation on population projection

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National consultation on population projection

calendar_today 12 September 2018

location_onArya Hotel, Thimphu

National consultation on population projection

National consultation on population projection based on 2017 census received full support from high-level participants of policy makers and planners from key ministries. The need for population projection to support Government’s effort in socio economic development and to inform policy development like population policy was well acknowledged. Participants provided additional guidance on key national policies measures and initiatives to take into consideration in the projection.  The consultation was attended by three secretaries from Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Labor and Human Resource and director general, directors and chiefs from Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Gross National happiness Commission. National Statistic Bureau organized the consultation with technical support from UNFPA.

“Family planning services continues despite the population trends in terms of protecting the health of mother and survival of infants. Every child conceived and every mother who conceives should survive” Dr. Karma Lhazeen, Director, Ministry of Health.