UNFPA Goodwill Ambassador to Bhutan and UNFPA ED
Her Majesty the Gyalyum Sangay Choden Wangchuck, UNFPA Goodwill Ambassador to Bhutan met with Dr. Natalia Kanem, the Executive Director of UNFPA in New York on 19th April 2024.
Mask dance
25th March, 2024 marked the culmination of five days of annual festival in Paro. Thousands of people from Paro and nearby districts attended the festival to witness the religious mask dances as a form of blessings. During the mask dances, it is believed that the deities of tantric teaching are invoked and through their power and blessings, misfortunes are removed. Each mask dance is preceded by explanation about the...
UNFPA DRD with Government secretary
Dr. Aleksandar Sasha Bodiroza UNFPA Deputy Regional Director for Asia and Pacific, along with Ms. Andrea Wojnar UNFPA India Representative/Country Director for UNFPA Bhutan, met with government secretaries in Bhutan.

Requests for Proposals


Request For Proposal: Conduct a nationwide study on social and gender norms related to gender, child marriage and gender-based violence (GBV)

09 August 2024
 Request for Proposal UNFPA Bhutan Country Office invites qualified and interested national professional services...